This Product is Great

This Product is Great

I Purchased my Nifty Nabber at Home Depot several years ago and I am still enjoying the benefits of ownership. I am Handicap and can’t get up and down well. So I bought a cheaper Pick Up tool and it didn’t hold items well and was constently falling apart. Screws would fall out when I tried to pick up things, and it didn’t have much grabbing power. The Nifty Nabber has NO SCREWS to work loose and has Superior Grabbing Power. I would Recomend this Tool to anybody that has a Handicap to Reach Items that are Normally out of Reach. In fact I am going to Purchase another one for My Best Freind that has Recently had both legs Amputated and is in a Wheel Chair and Can’t Pick up Items such as a Remote Control, when Dropped on the Floor. They are also Great for Litter Pick Up. Truly a Reliable Product.

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