For Hard To Reach Places
Although the appeal of a wool duster makes one envision that it may be superior to other dusters on the market. On furniture this item cleans dust in the same way as the old fashioned feather dusters. It doesn’t pick dust up, it just moves it around, and mostly makes the dust airborn, where it re-settles back onto your furniture, as if you never had dusted in the first place. It’s good quality is that you can get at hard to reach places, without straining your back, tiny spaces, tops of books on bookcases, venetian blinds, inside lamp shades, tops of doors, keyboards, and those pesky cobwebs that seem to appear at the corners of the ceilings. I would recommend spraying some Pledge on it first to enable it to pick up the dust and hold it. Wash it often with warm soapy water and air dry. It makes fast work of the dusting chore.